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Nurture the roots and flowers will blossom

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2024
 I recently stumbled upon a captivating excerpt from Mao Zedong's memoir that struck a chord deep within me. It's a tale of a beautiful garden, a mother's love, and the hidden wisdom that lies beneath the surface. As I delved into this story, I found myself reflecting on the profound lessons it holds for our own lives.

Mao Zedong, reminiscing about his childhood, shares a story about a mesmerizing garden near his mother's hut. This garden, a source of immense delight and pride for his mother, attracted visitors from near and far who marveled at its beauty. Yet, when illness struck his mother, the once-vibrant garden began to wither away, mirroring her declining health.

Moved by his mother's distress, Mao selflessly offered to care for the garden while she recovered. Day after day, he toiled from dawn to dusk, pouring his heart into the plants. However, when his mother finally emerged from her recovery, she was met with a heart-wrenching sight – the garden, once a symbol of splendor, had turned into a barren wasteland.

Mao's confusion and sorrow were palpable. Each day he had poured water over the flowers, painstakingly cleaned the leaves, propped up the stems and showered them with love, yet he couldn't fathom how everything had gone awry. It was in that moment that his mother shared a profound truth – a truth that resonates deeply with our own journey through life.

She held him close, wiping away his tears, and whispered, "The life of the flowers, my dear one, is not in the flowers. The life of the leaves is not in the leaves. The life of a plant is in a place that is not at all apparent to anyone. It is in the roots which are hidden beneath the ground."

Much like the garden Mao tried to save, our lives can wither if we focus solely on the surface-level aspects. We might shower them with love and attention, but without nurturing the roots, true flourishing remains elusive. To truly thrive, we must dig deeper, identifying and addressing the core issues that shape our experiences.

Only when you know the uniqueness of a particular root can you provide it with the right care. When the root cause of your existence is understood, then you will also know what your life needs to bring it to full fruition.
What if that Root nourishment was perfectly packaged for you? What if all you had to do, is take a little micro dose of it every day to ensure a healthy blossoming of your life?
Would that be something you would consider gifting to yourself?

All the offerings we make at Seventh Chakra are designed for people who are ready to grow, flourish and flower from the core of their being, allowing their life to be a natural byproduct of the essence of who they are....instead of chasing an image of themselves.

So, my friend, as we embrace the wisdom of Mao's story, let's take a moment to reflect. Are you tending to your roots? Are you giving your inner self the care and attention it deserves? Remember, just as a garden thrives when its roots are cared for, your life too will blossom when you nurture the essence that lies within.

Here's to flourishing from the inside out.


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