Special Dietary Needs or Requests

Seventh Chakra Retreat Home is a meat free zone. We provide healthy VEGETARIAN meals during our retreats and events.
Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions. We will do our best to accommodate them in our meal plans. If we are unable to, we may ask you to bring the meals that best serve your nutritional wellbeing.

Please Note: Due to the added expense of procuring and/or cooking special Vegan, Gluten Free or other unique dietary needs, there will be an added cost of $20 for your meal package.

If you are bringing any food items due to dietary restrictions or snacks, please make sure they are marked and dated.
We recommend bringing an ice cooler to store your food items, since our refrigerators will be fully occupied with retreat meal items.

Questions? Reach us at [email protected] or call (310) 529 8299